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Sudrajat, Nikita Dewi Anjani and Chairunnisa, Greisa and Assyifa, Salsabila Nur and Wulandari, Nuri and Rimadias, Santi (2024) Stream to Shop: Perilaku Belanja Gen Z Pada Social Commerce dan Apa Yang Paling Memikat Mereka. Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Digital (JMPD), 2 (3). pp. 257-272. ISSN 2963-0185
Bahtiar, Arif and Wulandari, Nuri and Medina, Dyta and Samwong, Sudaporn and Nichifor, Bogdan and de Jager, Johan W and Muhamat, Amirul Afif and Pracoyo, Antyo and Hindarto, Chico A. E. and Rofianto, Whony and Hidayat, Taufiq and Idawati, Wiwi and Budhijana, Raden Bambang and Sulistyowati, Sulistyowati and Novita, Nova and Rimadias, Santi and Bagasworo, Wasi and Prabowo, Hayu Susilo (2023) PROCEEDINGS International Conference on Banking and Finance: Digital Financial Services Revolution: Challenges and Inclusive Opportunities Toward Sustainable Society. In: International Conference on Banking and Finance STIE Indonesia Banking School.
Wulandari, Nuri (2021) Economic, Social, or Cultural? Investigating Forms of Capital as Alternative Loan Assessment for E-Entrepreneurs. Economic, Social, or Cultural? Investigating Forms of Capital as Alternative Loan Assessment for E-Entrepreneurs, 9 (1). ISSN 2344-6781 (In Press)
Sulestarini, Yusarifah and Wulandari, Nuri and Nasution, Reza Ashari (2020) The Role of Narrative Transportation in Web Series as Branded Entertainment. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 7 (11). p. 439. ISSN Print ISSN: 2288-4637 / Online ISSN 2288-4645
de Jager, Johan W and Wulandari, Nuri and Wannenburg, Elizma (2020) Cross Country Analysis of Online Banking Service Quality in South Africa and Indonesia. Cross Country Analysis of Online Banking Service Quality in South Africa and Indonesia, 8 (4). pp. 194-293. ISSN 2148-0192
Wulandari, Nuri and Nasution, Reza Ashari (2019) Integrated Value Co-Creation and Affective Commitment In Banking Industry. Business: Theory And Practice, 29. ISSN 1648-0627
Nuri Wulandari (2019) Pengaruh Faktor Demografis Pada Adopsi Layanan Berbasis Teknologi Pada Perbankan Syariah. 000163418.
Wulandari, Nuri and Andilolo, Imanuella Romaputri (2018) Preliminary Study on the Cashless Payment as an Experience-Based Marketing Vehicle in Tourism Destination. In: Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations: Proceedings of the Tourism Outlook Conference 2015. Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 265-275. ISBN 978-981-10-1716-2
Wulandari, Nuri and Maharani, Andi Novianti (2018) The Service Quality Drivers of Customer Experience; The Case of Islamic Banks in Indonesia Industry. Ecoforum Journal, 7 (2). pp. 507-514. ISSN 2344-2174
de Jager, Johan W and Wulandari, Nuri (2018) Student Customer Orientation: a Comparison Between a Selection of South African and Indonesia Students. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 14 (2). pp. 28-42. ISSN 2616-2733
Wulandari, Nuri and de Jager, Johan W (2018) Students’ Expectations of Higher Educational Experience in Public vs. Private Universities in Indonesia. The New Educational Review, 54. pp. 146-156. ISSN 1732-6729
Wulandari, Nuri (2017) Cashless Payment in Tourism. An Application of Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism. pp. 1550-1553.
Wulandari, Nuri and Sari, Rina Kartika (2016) Linking Experiential Value to Loyalty in Smartphone Industry. Studies and Scientific Researches Economics Edition, 2016 (24). pp. 77-84. ISSN 2344-1321
Nuri Wulandari (2014) Model Komprehensif Pengalaman Merek Pada Destinasi Pariwisata (Comprehensive Model Of Destination Brand Experience). 000163380.
Wulandari, Nuri BKD 2020.1. Indonesia Banking School. (Unpublished)
Wulandari, Nuri BKD 2020.2. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Wulandari, Nuri BKD 2022 Genap - Pelaksanaan Pendidikan. Indonesia Banking School. (Unpublished)
Wulandari, Nuri BKD 2022 Genap - Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Penunjang. Indonesia Banking School. (Unpublished)
de Jager, Johan W and Wulandari, Nuri and Pham, Quoc Trung Digital Channel Distribution in Banking Services: A Customer Perspective from Three Developing Countries. Digital Channel Distribution in Banking Services: A Customer Perspective from Three Developing Countries.
Wulandari, Nuri Diktat Perbankan Digital. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Wulandari, Nuri Pengajuan BKD 2019.2. Indonesia Banking School.
Wulandari, Nuri and Andilolo, Imanuella Romaputri Preliminary Study on the Cashless Payment as an Experience- Based Marketing Vehicle in Tourism Destination. In: Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations. Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-1718-6
Wulandari, Nuri SK Mengajar Genap 2022. Indonesia Banking School. (Unpublished)