Analisis Pengaruh Rasio Profitabilitas, Rasio Solvabilitas Dan Rasio Nilai Pasar Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Real Estat Dan Properti Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2006-2010

Syahnaz, Wilda (2013) Analisis Pengaruh Rasio Profitabilitas, Rasio Solvabilitas Dan Rasio Nilai Pasar Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Real Estat Dan Properti Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2006-2010. S1 thesis, STIE Indonesia Banking School.

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Indonesian economic growth is currently at a good condition, the value is 6.5% a year. This conditon encourage real estate and property industry to grow. Therefore, there is a tight competition between companies in that sector. In order to survive on the competition, a company has to be able to maintain its capital structure. In other hand, investor analyze the company’s financial report to decide whether to invest in the company. This research’s aim is to find whether the ratios gained from the financial report influence the stock price partially and simultaniously. This research was conducted analysis on 29 consistantly stock market registered companies at 2006-2010. The ratios used in this research are Retun On Asset, Net Profit Margin, Earning Per Share, Price Earning Ratio, Market-to-Book Ratio, and Debt Ratio. Because of the data in this research is pooled data, then an instrument for testing used in this research is EViews 6. After statistically analyze the impairment between the ratios and stock price, it appears indicate that the ratios above significantly influence the stock price simultaniously. However, only ROA and PER which significantly influenced the stock price partially.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Stock Price, ROA, NPM, EPS, PER, MBR, DR
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting
Divisions: Prodi S1 Akuntansi
Depositing User: Sparta Sparta
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2022 15:01
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2022 15:01

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