Efficiency and Competition Analysis of Indonesian Banking Industry

Pracoyo, Antyo (2016) Efficiency and Competition Analysis of Indonesian Banking Industry. S3 thesis, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung.


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Banking is one of the sectors that contribute to economic growth in Indonesia. As an institution that is bridging between those who have surplus funds as a store with those who need the funds as borrower, the role of banks is needed in contributed to the economic growth of a country. The Bank efficiency can be measured using ratio Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) or Cost to Income Ratio (CIR). The use of CIR felt more accurately measure the performance of internally because without the inclusion of external influences such as inflation, Bank Indonesia (BI) rate, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) rate and so on. Efficient Bank will be able to face competition in the banking industry more healthy and quality. Measurement of efficiency in this study using the CIR, and competition used to concentration ratio (CR-4) and Panzar-Rosse index model adapted from the model used by the study Bikker et al in 2009. Nationally banks of efficiency still need to be improved. While in group and individual banks there are some banks that are efficient, particularly some of the foreign banks. Meanwhile to the level of competition in the group is still in a monopolistic market position and national banking competition in this study is still in a monopolistic market. Key words: Efficiency, Cost to Income Ratio (CIR), Concentration Ratio, Panzar-Rosse Index, Monopolistic

Item Type: Thesis (S3)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Prodi S1 Manajemen
Depositing User: Mr. Antyo Pracoyo
Date Deposited: 10 Apr 2023 10:56
Last Modified: 10 Apr 2023 10:56
URI: http://repository.ibs.ac.id/id/eprint/6586

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